Student Spotlight: Sandra Mariely Estrada González

by Brooke Adam

March 1, 2019

Sandra Mariely Estrada González

Major(s): Psychology, ethnic studies, Spanish
Minor(s): Women's and gender studies, Latin American studies, English
Hometown: Newman Grove, NE (originally from Mexico)

Why did you select your majors?
When I got to college I declared my psychology major, but I realized that my program alone was not getting me ready to work with diverse populations. Because of that I decided to declare an ethnic studies major.

What are your favorite course you have taken from Ethnic Studies?
My favorite courses are ETHN 400: Senior Seminar and LAMS 478: Feminist Literatures of the Americas because the content of the courses are understudied and almost everything is brand new information for me.

Who have been your strongest mentors here?
Dr. Trey Andrews and Dr. Luis Rosa. Both have exposed me to new material and have given me access to many opportunities that I would not have access to otherwise.

Do you have any research experience?


  • UCARE 2018-2019 - Domestic Violence and Immigration Among Latinas
  • Latinx Mental Health and Outcomes - Research Assistant
  • Calibration in court: Jurors’ use of scientific information project - Research Assistant
  • Getting Ready intervention project - Research Assistant


  • Spanish-speakers Language and Literacy Research Project - Research Assistant
  • Law Decision Making Lab - Research Assistant

Do you have job/internship experience?
El Centro de las Americas- intern (earned through the ethnic studies department). This internship helped me figure out what I want to do with my career. At El Centro, I helped put together an event called “Encuentro de la Mujer Sana” where women from the Latinx community came and learned about issues related to health, domestic abuse, immigration etc.  This internship has also open more doors for me in research.

Have you studied abroad?
I went to Salvador, Brazil where I studied Portuguese while learning about Brazil’s history, culture and society in the context of Latin America and in relation to the United States. This experience not only made me more mature but it also help me see a completely perspective in politics, education etc.

What are you involved in on campus?
Student member, National Latina/o Psychological Association (NLPA) Student member, Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority Incorporated, Define American, Student member - National Honor Society of Collegiate Scholars, Student member - Alpha Lambda Delta Student member, Phi Eta Sigma Student member, Office of Academic Success and Intercultural Services MASA (Mexican American Student Association) Student member, Melvin W. Jones Scholar

What are your plans after graduation?
I’m taking a year off and hopefully be working at a local non-profit, after that I plan to apply for a PhD program in clinical psychology. My final goal is to work at a non-profit working with victims of domestic abuse and human trafficking, especially those who belong to ethnic minority groups or create my own non-profit.